Depending on the light source, wood reveals its colors, its curvatures, its warps, its knots.
Wood feels warm, rough or smooth
Wood smells good
Wood is noble and beautiful
Wood is always alive...

Most of my wire motifs are mounted on a wooden base.
For me it is important to revalue the beauty and the splendour of this noble material.

All my pieces are unique and handmade with the help of pliers of different models. They can not be reproduced one to one.

An overview of my machines and tools:
Pliers, files, circular saws, pillar drills, grinding bench...  

My "tools" for the work:
Paper of various qualities and sizes, pencils, erasers, markers, charcoal, brushes, watercolors, ocher, light table, scissors, cutter, patience and desire...

My approach is often as follows:

When I get an idea for a drawing, I try to remember it as best I can ︎...

... best I immediately make a rough sketch or write it down right away...  the worst thing I do is forget it ︎... (1)

... In any case, I always start drawing with my good old HB pencil ... (2)

... From the pencil drawing I make a black outline with ink, felt tip pen or wax crayon ... (3)

... At the end I usually apply the colors on a separate support with oil, watercolors, ochre, crayons, ink, markers or chalks. (4)

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